Ada + Cara

It’s a Thursday and I’m at w*rk when The Universe throws Jessica, a co-worker of the couple in my path. Through a very interesting conversation, I learn of her pretty cool friends that are getting eloped that upcoming weekend! I, of course, become more interested and start telling her about how I shoot adventure elopement photography, and if the couple ever wanted to shoot something in the future to drop me a message.

Not even a full hour goes by and I have a text from Ada.

“Hi Nick, Jess gave me your number. My partner and I are getting married on a hike this Sunday morning, and our friend who was going to be photographer got COVID!”

What are the chances of that?!

The location was one that was very important to them. One that has played a main character role in their story as a couple through all of the seasons, metaphorically, and literally.

The hike up was fun, challenging and beautiful. Mount Rainier peaked her head out a few times, the air was clear despite the recent wildfires we had been having, and the berries were delicious!

Their ceremony was simple and small, and it honored all of those that cherish them — including the scruffy little snuff nose that truly starred in the whole show. Between the clothes that they wore to include recently departed relatives to the bits of tradition they decided to keep for the nuance of ceremony, the day was nothing short of perfect, and much like the couple’s friends, I also cried.

So basically the moral of the story is why would you not want to get eloped in the mountains?!


Tahoma: Mother of Waters


The Wedding of Hayley + Matthew